Sunday, April 12, 2009

:: building up your karma bank ::

Well it is Mother's day, and as I'm a mother... I wish all whom have had the pleasure of mothering someone, Happy Day!!

Now regarding my Karma Bank (which I strongly believe in), I have always felt that ones actions causes reactions and consequences you may not see at the time, but can creep up on you. Like kindness to someone or disregard for someones' feelings. What I'm getting at is: I have felt the abundance of my Karma Bank over these last 5 months, as I have had to yet again start my life over and with very little. But somehow, and this is where KB comes in, I have been given so much in ways I never thought possible. You really discover whom you can and cannot rely on.

I have discovered true friendship and unbelievable generosity from the people who surround me. And though I am at times completely humbled, I feel in a way that my past actions have somehow paid off with all the amazing help I have received. I have always believed in being kind and generous without expectations (although hard to not have them). I now feel all the more about keeping that KB full so as to hopefully have something to fall back on when the going gets rough again or when I just need a lift. So the moral of the story is: Be kind to everyone... it may pay off in unexpected ways.

1 comment:

  1. I agree and its always so nice to read such a positive post! I've found such inspiration through this blogosphere and have found it spilling over into and throughout my days. I hope you find that same joy! :>
